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Already know how to buy NFTs?

Don't know how? Watch the second video below.

First time buying NFTs?

Learn how, following the steps below


1 - Open your wallet address and put crypto money in it

To buy NFTs, and make any transaction with crypto currency inside the new internet,  you first need a Wallet, which is basically a number of an account that represents you. It is your wallet address. It looks like a bank account where you keep you crypto money and pays for your transactions (buy, transfer, receive...) and is requested to enter in every site or Dapp (descentralized app) of  the new internet, like the username and password is used by now.

There are many "brands" of wallets, we will you teach you Metamask, the most popular and easiest one.

2 - Open your account on Open Sea

The KISSES nfts are on sale on Open Sea, a market place of nfts.

Why there? Because there, we can buy nfts with eth (= ethereum, the crypto coin of Ethereum blockchain) but in Polygon blockchain.

So what? Polygon blockchain"s gas fees are veeeery low, close to or even zero. What turns the KISSES nfts, already affordable, even more affordable because the low gas fee.

So you have to open an Open Sea account. Go to

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Configure your profile

3 - How to buy NFTs with Polygon on Open Sea 

As said before, in Polygon blockchain you don't have to pay gas fee, that's why we choose it to sell our KISSES NFTs. What is a gas fee? Is a fee charged by Ethereum blockchain over any transaction on it's blockchain, eg. buying a nft.

Following the video steps you will learn how to exchange Eth to Matic (Polygon's cryptocurrency = Eth for polygon). You will understand what is a gas fee because exchange eth is a transaction on Ethereum blockchain, so you will have to pay it. But once you have Matic you will not pay any gas fee buying KISSES NFTs.

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