What is an NFT? Web 3?
Blockchain? Crypto transactions?
Understand how is internet changing and how to live in it
Starting in the beginning What is the Web 3
Web 3 is the next phase of the internet, in which everybody will be interacting as we do now in Web2 (= the internet as it is now): buying things, using all services, playing games, watching movies, connecting in social medias, and basically all we do online now. With the difference that all will be in a descentralized internet (blockchain) and most or even all of it in metaverse ( 3D environments and you are represented by an avatar, a holographic you, a picture or video of yourself but your personal information (name, phone, address, e-mail, ID, etc) won't be there and you are identified by a random number that is just you, a token number, that you get as you "sign up" (open an account) a wallet.
Don't worry, you will understand better after "signing up" your first wallet and do your first transaction buying a KISS.
Descentralized space? Blockchain?
Today (web 2) every company, Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc, has it's own servers (lots of big computers that storage and process all informations that we write in the sites, eg: sign up personal informations, and every transaction we do with them, like a payment for buying something), and as you register and make things in internet, the company owns all our informations just for their use, one of the most uses is to sell those informations to others so they can reach us, like Facebook that gives access to us, for companies that pay them announces, to they appear on our timeline or send us e-mails.
This is a centralized environment, all informations are centralized in one group of computers owned by the company and only they have access to the informations.
Blockchain is a several different "lots of computers (=nods)" that are interconnected as a chain of "lots of computers". The transactions that are made inside this environment is registered in all those nods simultaneously, so is not centralized in only one server and don't have one owner because all those transactions are registered and open to everyone to see. Every blockchain has it's site that shows all transactions you, as a number, did. And guess what? You don't have to give all our personal informations to make transactions in it. You just have to have a wallet address (your token number), so you are a number address and nobody knows anything else about you. We know only the transactions that you (as a number) make in the blockchain. There are lots of different blockchains. ..but this you will learn in our partners course that you will be gifted as you buy a kiss nft.
Crypto transactions?
Yes, those are the financial transactions (like buying an NFT) that you make inside the blockchain, and they all are made with crypto currencies that are located inside the wallet account, identified by your token number. Almost all transactions in blockchain are financial because they charge the gas fee.
Gas fee, is an amount of cryptocurrency that is payed to the blockchain in order to pay for their infra structure, maintenance and administration. Well ... everything and everyone needs money to survive.
So when we said that the KISS nft costs 0.001 eth + gas fee, this will the final price of it (eth is the name of the crypto currency that you will use to pay for the KISSES. As the famous Bitcoin is the currency for the blockchain called bitcoin, Eth is the currency of the blockchain called Etherium - Where the KISSES nfts was created)..
The cost of gas fee varies based on the amount of transactions are being made at the same time worldwide. The more transactions the more expensive is the fee. You will see while buying a KISS nft.
Finally NFTs... those letters goes for Non-Fungible tokens. So what??
Everything you want to own, or have the property of, you can transform in an asset inside the blockchain. You turn it into a digital file then you transform this file in an exclusive token number (this process is called to mint a nft), and this token has the value you decide or the market decides (if you put it for sale) that's why is considered non-fungible, because there will never be anything with the same token number of it.
But what do I do with this?
The nft can be basically anything, the most nowadays are still art pieces (visual art, music, writings, etc) that is like the art in non Digital world. They also can have a function, like show tickets (anything that has to have one unique exemplar), Something to collect, and many more.
It can be a virtual fashion piece, like a snicker, for your avatar and that you can get one real one too.
That are a lot of functions nfts can have.
Your KISS nft is an art work, with many editions, that you can use to send kiss to someone, also has the utility to fund a social impact business to help mental health issue artists, and also as the ones that supported the foundation of dxpression metaverse ecosystem, you will always be VIP in our spaces and have advantages that this will bring (art classes, nfts gift from the artists, events access, etc)
Well, that's it.
Now just follow the steps to enter this new world and get your KISSES.