
NFTartist behind the project RitaHelo
Get and send kisses to everyone
We invite you to support dxpression nft project joining in shedding light on the importance to advocate, speak up, take care, treat and support people with any neurodiversity and/or mental health issues. Disorders that affect approximately 10% of the entire world population, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), and is growing fast in our society.
From May 10th to October 10th, by buying and sending our non generated nft Kisses (0,0018 eth aprox. US$5,00 + gas fee if you don't buy with polygon) to your friends and loved ones you will get your kiss nft, spread love everywhere in the internet and also will be pre-seed funding dxpression nft project, to build the start up that will support artists and bring mental health from metaverse to real life.
The kiss nft is the building block of the dxpression metaverse ecosystem and having it, you will have our forever gratitude and as the business grows you will be consider a VIP for us to: online and presencial events, vernissages, classes (arts, health), shows, concerts, congresses, artists drops, and lots of art related activities and gifts.
Starting with kISSES emojis for WhatsApp and telegram, KISSES .gif for twitter and KISSES .png for posts on instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook.
After getting your nft Kisses, let's show the world the importance of mental health knowledge to make our society healthier, using them and the KISSES emojis in all your social medias as profile picture, posts and emojis to send kisses to everyone on twitter, whatsApp, instagram, Facebook, telegram, discord, etc.
Also spreading from October 3rd to October 10th all over the internet the
Our mission:
Provide artists who face any neurodiversity and/or mental health conditions, disorders or disability, the possibility to conquer financial independence, health care, social inclusion, dignity and sustainability, by working and make a living from their art.
Our goal:
Educate, support, promote and encourage artists to conquer their financial independence, mental health, equality and social inclusion worthily working on and selling their arts as nfts, providing an inclusive metaverse ecosystem that connects them with nft art market, nft art communities, patrons, art consumers and collectors, mental health professionals, treatments, and affordable medicine, in order to maximize their dignity, balance and quality of life and personal developmental potential.
Artists x Stigma x NFT
In real world, proportionally, very few artists can work and make a living from their talent and their art. Also, in real world mental health issues come along with a huge stigma that we want to break. NFT environment comes to join the perfect match with the possibility for artists to use their own identity or create a virtual one, and the community power of collaboration which makes social inclusion and sustainability real.
How are we doing it?
Designing a metaverse ecosystem
We have created a project of 4 connected spaces into metaverse that are the backbone of the ecosystem: a NFT marketplace, an NFT art gallery, a psychic clinic space, a pharmacy.
All those spaces and activities inside them will be interactable organized inside a Dapp that will connect and link all the metaverse services and transactions.
It’s a global and scalable project, that gather many players and many industries to provide real impact in artists and family's lifes, mental health wealth, professionals success achievements and all society, inclusive for artists all over the world.
For all that, we need to also build all stakeholders confidence inside the web 3, nft, crypto economy, and metaverse interface, and in order to do so we have educational partners that will teach people to interact inside this new world that will be the future of bilions of human interactions.

Marketplace only for artists with some neurodiversity or mental health issue, engaged or want to engage on treatment
Artists will sell their nft arts, be contracted for art jobs and be financially independent
Fine arts, digital art, music, literature, architecture, design, photography, fashion, jewelry, game, generative art … all arts,
Curated by diagnosis ((by their doctor or a community one)
Possibility to artists to use their own identity or create a virtual/artistic one
Health professional identity verified
Artists will bring their health professionals to the ecosystem
Health professionals will bring artists their to the ecosystem
Integrated to the art gallery
Connected at dxpression Dapp

A Metaverse Space with the marketplace integrated, the arts can be bought in there
Artists will be educated on how to become an NFT artist in metaverse and web3 and how to create their community
Artists will be promoted and supported
Artists exhibitions, shows, vernissages, lectures, autograph nights, video presentations, music launches, etc
Events of all kinds
Classes and learning experiences for artists, health professionals, collectors, … all communities and stakeholders
Mental Health Congresses
Space for our education partners use
Workshops and art classes
Connected at dxpression Dapp

A Metaverse Clinic Space
Doctors, psychologists, therapeuts, psychoanalysts and all kind of mental health professionals communities of users
Doctors and Health professionals clinicspace for therapies and other treatments sessions
Artists will have their sessions in metaverse space (like they do online now, in a virtual way)
Family's advisory and educational sessions
Professionals will bring their artist patients to the ecosystem
Connected to pharmacy and marketplace (NFT prescriptions anti falsification and controlled)
Connected at Dapp - schedule, payment, prescriptions

A Metaverse pharmacy space
Partner with pharmaceutic industry
Medicine with no middlemen prices (Can't promise but will try hard this)
Connected to doctors with nft prescriptions, trust and secure
Connected to artists to provide their medicine delivered to their house (supply chain)
Connected at Dapp - deliveries, payment, prescriptions

The executive feature tool to the ecosystem that will all be connected inside the dapp
All services will be in the dapp
Host stakeholders communities - artists, doctors, professionals, pharmacy
Wallets to marketplace, payments, incomes, financial transactions
Connect artists to their doctors and health professionals. Schedule queries, payments
Connect doctors to pharmacy to artists to marketplace - nft prescriptions
History of all individual transactions easy accessible and filtered
Connected to gallery events, invites
Connected to education partners
Will be the nod that will chain all ecosystem together and interrelated
All functions and interactions between stackeholders will be done through it

Partners to educate all stakeholders communities
- Artists
- Health professionals
- Patrons
- Collectors, art buyers, consumers
- Pharmaceuthic partners
Artists will be educated on how to become an NFT artist in metaverse and web3 and how to create their community
Doctors will be educated on how to work in metaverse/virtual workplaces
Crypto economy classes
NFT, blockchain, web language classes
Connected to gallery as their places to teach
Connected to market place to nft certificates
Metaverse classes
Presencial classes
Congresses speeches
All educational levels